function [ PREVIOUS ] = make_previous(SYMBOLS) % % MAKE_PREVIOUS: % This function returns a lookuptable containing a mapping % between the present state and the legal previous states. % Each row correspond to a state, and the two legal states % related to state n is located in PREVIOUS(n,1) and in % previous(n,2). States are represented by their related % numbers. % % SYNTAX: [ PREVIOUS ] = make_previous(SYMBOLS) % % INPUT: SYMBOLS: The table of symbols corresponding the the state- % numbers. % % OUTPUT: PREVIOUS: % The transition table describing the legal previous % states asdescribed above. % % SUB_FUNC: None % % WARNINGS: None % % TEST(S): Verified against expected result. % % AUTOR: Jan H. Mikkelsen / Arne Norre Ekstrøm % EMAIL: / % % $Id: make_previous.m,v 1.3 1997/09/22 08:14:27 aneks Exp $ % FIRST WE NEED TO FIND THE NUMBER OF LOOPS WE SHOULD RUN. % THIS EQUALS THE NUMBER OF SYMBOLS. ALSO MAXSUM IS NEEDED FOR % LATER OPERATIONS. % [ states , maxsum ]=size(SYMBOLS); maxsum=maxsum-1; search_matrix=SYMBOLS(:,1:maxsum); % LOOP OVER THE SYMBOLS. % for this_state=1:states, search_vector=SYMBOLS(this_state,2:maxsum+1); k=0; for search=1:states, if (sum(search_matrix(search,:)==search_vector)==maxsum) k=k+1; PREVIOUS(this_state,k)=search; if k > 2, error('Error: identified too many previous states'); end end end end