function [ STOPS ] = make_stops(Lh,SYMBOLS) % % MAKE_STOPS: % This code returns a statenumber corresponding to the set of % legal stop states as found from Lh. The method is to use the table % of symbolic stop states as it is listed in the report made % by 95gr870T. For the table lookups are made in SYMBOLS. in % order to map from the symbol representation to the state number % representation. % % SYNTAX: [ STOPS ] = make_stops(Lh,SYMBOLS) % % INPUT: SYMBOLS: The table of symbols corresponding the the state- % numbers. % Lh: Length of the estimated impulseresponse. % % OUTPUT: STOPS: The number representation of the set of legal stop % states. % % SUB_FUNC: None % % WARNINGS: The table of symbolic representations has not been verified % but is used directly as it is listed in the report made % by 95gr870T. % % TEST(S): The function has been verified to return a state number % which matches the symbolic representation. % % AUTOR: Jan H. Mikkelsen / Arne Norre Ekstrøm % EMAIL: / % % $Id: make_stops.m,v 1.2 1997/09/22 11:44:21 aneks Exp $ % OBTAIN THE SYMBOLS FROM Lh. THIS IS THE TABLE LISTED IN THE REPORT MADE % BY 95gr870T. (SATEREPRESENTATION IS SLIGHTLY CHANGED). % if Lh==1, stop_symbols = [ -1 ]; count=1; elseif Lh==2, stop_symbols = [ -1 j ]; count=1; elseif Lh==3, stop_symbols = [ -1 j 1 ]; count=1; elseif Lh==4, stop_symbols = [ [ -1 j 1 j ] ; [ -1 j 1 -j ] ]; count=2; elseif Lh==5, stop_symbols = [ [ -1 j 1 j -1] ; [ -1 j 1 -j -1] ; [ -1 j 1 j 1] ; [ -1 j 1 -j 1] ]; count=2; else fprintf('\n\nError: Illegal value of Lh, terminating...'); end % NOW THAT WE HAVE THE SYMBOL REPRESENTATION THE REMAINING JOB IS % TO MAP THE MSK SYMBOLS TO STATE NUMBERS % index = 0; stops_found=0; while stops_found < count, index=index+1; if sum(SYMBOLS(index,:)==stop_symbols(stops_found+1,:))==Lh, stops_found=stops_found+1; STOPS(stops_found)=index; end end