function [ SYMBOLS , PREVIOUS , NEXT , START , STOPS ] = viterbi_init(Lh) % VITERBI_INIT: % This function returns the tables which are used by the % viterbi demodulator which is implemented in the GSMsim % package. % % SYNTAX: [ SYMBOLS , PREVIOUS , NEXT , START , STOPS ] % = % viterbi_init(Lh) % % INPUT: Lh: The length of the channel impulse response % minus one. % % OUTPUT: SYMBOLS: Statenumber to MSK-symbols mapping table. % PREVIOUS: This state to legal previous state mapping table. % NEXT: This state to legal next state mapping table. % START: The start state of the viterbi algorithm. % STOPS: The set of legal stop states for the viterbi % algorithm. % % GLOBAL: None % % SUB_FUNC: make_symbols,make_previous,make_next,make_start,make_stops % % WARNINGS: None % % TEST: Verified that the function actually runs the subfunctions. % % AUTHOR: Jan H. Mikkelsen / Arne Norre Ekstrøm % EMAIL: / % % $Id: viterbi_init.m,v 1.4 1998/02/12 10:52:15 aneks Exp $ SYMBOLS = make_symbols(Lh); PREVIOUS = make_previous(SYMBOLS); NEXT = make_next(SYMBOLS); START = make_start(Lh,SYMBOLS); STOPS = make_stops(Lh,SYMBOLS);