#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Definitions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef AT91C_ID_TC0 #if defined(AT91C_ID_TC012) #define AT91C_ID_TC0 AT91C_ID_TC012 #elif defined(AT91C_ID_TC) #define AT91C_ID_TC0 AT91C_ID_TC #else #error Pb define ID_TC #endif #endif /// Master clock frequency in Hz #define MCK BOARD_MCK /// Number of keys used in the example. #define NUM_KEYS 4 /// Number of non-modifiers keys. #define NUM_NORMAL_KEYS 3 /// Number of modifier keys. #define NUM_MODIFIER_KEYS (NUM_KEYS - NUM_NORMAL_KEYS) /// Num lock LED index. #define LED_NUMLOCK USBD_LEDOTHER /// Delay for pushbutton debouncing (ms) #define DEBOUNCE_TIME 10 /// PIT period value (useconds) #define PIT_PERIOD 1000 /// Size in bytes of the buffer used for reading data from the USB & USART #define DATABUFFERSIZE BOARD_USB_ENDPOINTS_MAXPACKETSIZE(2) /// Use for power management #define STATE_IDLE 0 /// The USB device is in suspend state #define STATE_SUSPEND 4 /// The USB device is in resume state #define STATE_RESUME 5 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal variables //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// State of USB, for suspend and resume unsigned char USBState = STATE_IDLE; //- CDC /// List of pins that must be configured for use by the application. static const Pin pinsUsart[] = {PIN_USART0_TXD, PIN_USART0_RXD}; /// Double-buffer for storing incoming USART data. static unsigned char usartBuffers[2][DATABUFFERSIZE]; /// Current USART buffer index. static unsigned char usartCurrentBuffer = 0; /// Buffer for storing incoming USB data. static unsigned char usbSerialBuffer0[DATABUFFERSIZE]; //static unsigned char usbSerialBuffer1[DATABUFFERSIZE]; #define WAKEUP_CONFIGURE() #define VBUS_CONFIGURE() USBD_Connect() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Put the CPU in 32kHz, disable PLL, main oscillator /// Put voltage regulator in standby mode //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LowPowerMode(void) { // MCK=48MHz to MCK=32kHz // MCK = SLCK/2 : change source first from 48 000 000 to 18. / 2 = 9M AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_MCKR = AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2; while( !( AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY ) ); // MCK=SLCK : then change prescaler AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_MCKR = AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK; while( !( AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY ) ); // disable PLL AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_PLLR = 0; // Disable Main Oscillator AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_MOR = 0; // Voltage regulator in standby mode : Enable VREG Low Power Mode AT91C_BASE_VREG->VREG_MR |= AT91C_VREG_PSTDBY; PMC_DisableProcessorClock(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Put voltage regulator in normal mode /// Return the CPU to normal speed 48MHz, enable PLL, main oscillator //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void NormalPowerMode(void) { // Voltage regulator in normal mode : Disable VREG Low Power Mode AT91C_BASE_VREG->VREG_MR &= ~AT91C_VREG_PSTDBY; // MCK=32kHz to MCK=48MHz // enable Main Oscillator AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_MOR = (( (AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT & (0x06 <<8)) | AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN )); while( !( AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MOSCS ) ); // enable PLL@96MHz AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_PLLR = ((AT91C_CKGR_DIV & 0x0E) | (AT91C_CKGR_PLLCOUNT & (28<<8)) | (AT91C_CKGR_MUL & (0x48<<16))); while( !( AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_LOCK ) ); while( !( AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY ) ); AT91C_BASE_CKGR->CKGR_PLLR |= AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_1 ; // MCK=SLCK/2 : change prescaler first AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_MCKR = AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2; while( !( AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY ) ); // MCK=PLLCK/2 : then change source AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_MCKR |= AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK ; while( !( AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SR & AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Callbacks re-implementation //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Invoked when the USB device leaves the Suspended state. By default, /// configures the LEDs. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void USBDCallbacks_Resumed(void) { // Initialize LEDs LED_Configure(USBD_LEDPOWER); LED_Set(USBD_LEDPOWER); LED_Configure(USBD_LEDUSB); LED_Clear(USBD_LEDUSB); USBState = STATE_RESUME; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Invoked when the USB device gets suspended. By default, turns off all LEDs. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void USBDCallbacks_Suspended(void) { // Turn off LEDs LED_Clear(USBD_LEDPOWER); LED_Clear(USBD_LEDUSB); USBState = STATE_SUSPEND; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Handles interrupts coming from Timer #0. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ISR_Timer0() { unsigned char size; unsigned int status = AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_SR; if ((status & AT91C_TC_CPCS) != 0) { // Flush PDC buffer size = DATABUFFERSIZE - AT91C_BASE_US0->US_RCR; if (size == 0) { AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_CCR = AT91C_TC_CLKEN | AT91C_TC_SWTRG; return; } AT91C_BASE_US0->US_RCR = 0; // Send current buffer through the USB while (CDCDSerialDriver_Write(0, usartBuffers[usartCurrentBuffer], size, 0, 0) != USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS); // Restart read on buffer USART_ReadBuffer(AT91C_BASE_US0, usartBuffers[usartCurrentBuffer], DATABUFFERSIZE); usartCurrentBuffer = 1 - usartCurrentBuffer; AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_CCR = AT91C_TC_CLKEN | AT91C_TC_SWTRG; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Callback invoked when data has been received on the USB. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void UsbDataReceived0(unsigned int unused, unsigned char status, unsigned int received, unsigned int remaining) { // Check that data has been received successfully if (status == USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // Send data through USART while (!USART_WriteBuffer(AT91C_BASE_US0, usbSerialBuffer0, received)); AT91C_BASE_US0->US_IER = AT91C_US_TXBUFE; // Check if bytes have been discarded if ((received == DATABUFFERSIZE) && (remaining > 0)) { TRACE_WARNING( "UsbDataReceived: %u bytes discarded\n\r", remaining); } } else { TRACE_WARNING("UsbDataReceived: Transfer error\n\r"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Handles interrupts coming from USART #0. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ISR_Usart0() { unsigned int status = AT91C_BASE_US0->US_CSR; unsigned short serialState; // If USB device is not configured, do nothing if (USBD_GetState() != USBD_STATE_CONFIGURED) { AT91C_BASE_US0->US_IDR = 0xFFFFFFFF; return; } // Buffer has been read successfully if ((status & AT91C_US_ENDRX) != 0) { // Disable timer AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_CCR = AT91C_TC_CLKDIS; // Send buffer through the USBSerial0 while (CDCDSerialDriver_Write(0, usartBuffers[usartCurrentBuffer], DATABUFFERSIZE, 0, 0) != USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS); // Restart read on buffer USART_ReadBuffer(AT91C_BASE_US0, usartBuffers[usartCurrentBuffer], DATABUFFERSIZE); usartCurrentBuffer = 1 - usartCurrentBuffer; // Restart timer AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_CCR = AT91C_TC_CLKEN | AT91C_TC_SWTRG; } // Buffer has been sent if ((status & AT91C_US_TXBUFE) != 0) { // Restart USB read CDCDSerialDriver_Read(0, usbSerialBuffer0, DATABUFFERSIZE, (TransferCallback) UsbDataReceived0, 0); AT91C_BASE_US0->US_IDR = AT91C_US_TXBUFE; } // Errors serialState = CDCDSerialDriver_GetSerialState(0); // Overrun if ((status & AT91C_US_OVER) != 0) { TRACE_WARNING("ISR_Usart0: Overrun\n\r"); serialState |= CDCD_STATE_OVERRUN; } // Framing error if ((status & AT91C_US_FRAME) != 0) { TRACE_WARNING("ISR_Usart0: Framing error\n\r"); serialState |= CDCD_STATE_FRAMING; } CDCDSerialDriver_SetSerialState(0, serialState); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Initializes drivers and start the USB composite device. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main() { TRACE_CONFIGURE(DBGU_STANDARD, 115200, BOARD_MCK); printf("-- USB Multi Device Project %s --\n\r", SOFTPACK_VERSION); printf("-- %s\n\r", BOARD_NAME); printf("-- Compiled: %s %s --\n\r", __DATE__, __TIME__); // If they are present, configure Vbus & Wake-up pins PIO_InitializeInterrupts(0); #if 0 // ----- HID Function Initialize // Initialize key statuses and configure push buttons PIO_Configure(pinsPushButtons, PIO_LISTSIZE(pinsPushButtons)); memset(keyStatus, 1, NUM_KEYS); // Configure LEDs LED_Configure(LED_NUMLOCK); // ----- CDC Function Initialize // Configure USART PIO_Configure(pinsUsart, PIO_LISTSIZE(pinsUsart)); AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_PCER = 1 << AT91C_ID_US0; AT91C_BASE_US0->US_IDR = 0xFFFFFFFF; USART_Configure(AT91C_BASE_US0, USART_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS, 115200, MCK); USART_SetTransmitterEnabled(AT91C_BASE_US0, 1); USART_SetReceiverEnabled(AT91C_BASE_US0, 1); AIC_ConfigureIT(AT91C_ID_US0, 0, ISR_Usart0); AIC_EnableIT(AT91C_ID_US0); // Configure timer 0 AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_PCER = (1 << AT91C_ID_TC0); AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_CCR = AT91C_TC_CLKDIS; AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_IDR = 0xFFFFFFFF; AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_CMR = AT91C_TC_CLKS_TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK | AT91C_TC_CPCSTOP | AT91C_TC_CPCDIS | AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UP_AUTO | AT91C_TC_WAVE; AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_RC = 0x00FF; AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_IER = AT91C_TC_CPCS; AIC_ConfigureIT(AT91C_ID_TC0, 0, ISR_Timer0); AIC_EnableIT(AT91C_ID_TC0); #endif // USB COMPOSITE driver initialization MULTIDriver_Initialize(); WAKEUP_CONFIGURE(); // connect if needed VBUS_CONFIGURE(); // Driver loop while (1) { // Device is not configured if (USBD_GetState() < USBD_STATE_CONFIGURED) { // Connect pull-up, wait for configuration USBD_Connect(); while (USBD_GetState() < USBD_STATE_CONFIGURED); #if 0 // Start receiving data on the USART usartCurrentBuffer = 0; USART_ReadBuffer(AT91C_BASE_US0, usartBuffers[0], DATABUFFERSIZE); USART_ReadBuffer(AT91C_BASE_US0, usartBuffers[1], DATABUFFERSIZE); AT91C_BASE_US0->US_IER = AT91C_US_ENDRX | AT91C_US_FRAME | AT91C_US_OVER; AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_CCR = AT91C_TC_CLKEN | AT91C_TC_SWTRG; // Start receiving data on the USB CDCDSerialDriver_Read(0, usbSerialBuffer0, DATABUFFERSIZE, (TransferCallback) UsbDataReceived0, 0); } else { HIDDKeyboardProcessKeys(); #endif } if( USBState == STATE_SUSPEND ) { TRACE_DEBUG("suspend !\n\r"); //LowPowerMode(); USBState = STATE_IDLE; } if( USBState == STATE_RESUME ) { // Return in normal MODE TRACE_DEBUG("resume !\n\r"); //NormalPowerMode(); USBState = STATE_IDLE; } } }