.SUFFIXES: .dvi .tex .ps .eps .tif .pdf .fig .bbl .bib .gif MASTER=MasterOLS TMASTER=MasterOLS-2side TESTER=QuickMaster SUBDIRS=welte all : eachdir ps pdf eachdir : for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$i ; done clean : topclean for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$i clean ; done topclean : rm -f *.aux *.log $(MASTER)-bak.pdf $(MASTER).dvi $(MASTER).ps rm -f *.bbl $(MASTER).bbl $(MASTER).blg if [ -f $(MASTER).pdf ] ; then mv $(MASTER).pdf $(MASTER)-bak.pdf ; fi ps : $(MASTER).dvi dvips -o $(MASTER).ps $(MASTER) # there seems to be a problem with extra brackets in some # figure refs that occasionally crops up on the first run... # thus the nonstop mode... $(MASTER).dvi: latex -interaction=nonstopmode $(MASTER) || true bibtex $(MASTER) || true latex $(MASTER) || true latex $(MASTER) twoside: latex -interaction=nonstopmode $(TMASTER) || true bibtex $(TMASTER) || true latex -interaction=nonstopmode $(TMASTER) || true latex $(TMASTER) twosidepdf: pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode $(TMASTER) || true bibtex $(TMASTER) || true pdflatex $(TMASTER) || true pdflatex $(TMASTER) pdf: pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode $(MASTER) || true bibtex $(MASTER) || true pdflatex $(MASTER) || true pdflatex $(MASTER) test: pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode $(TESTER) || true bibtex $(TESTER) || true pdflatex $(TESTER) || true pdflatex $(TESTER)