Here's another way of handling bibliographies; it does not use a .bib file, but includes the items at the end of the paper, before \end{document}. Each item has the format \bibitem[printName]{citeName} details The "printName" will be printed at the point of your citation, and again in the list of references. The "citeName" is what you use in the source to create the citation. For example, using the first entry below, I could \cite{menyhart} and have the author's name print out properly in the appropriate places. The bibliography below comes from Tony Luck's 2003 Linux Symposium paper: \begin{thebibliography}{99} \raggedright \bibitem[Menyh\'{a}rt]{menyhart} Z.\ Menyh\'{a}rt and D.\ Song, {\em OS Machine Check Recovery on Itanium Architecture-base Platforms}, Intel Developer Forum, Fall 2002 \bibitem[Ziegler]{ziegler} J.F.\ Ziegler, {\em Terrestrial cosmic ray intensities}, IBM Journal of Research and Development, Volume 42, Number 1, 1998 \bibitem[SDV]{SDV} Intel, {\em Intel Itanium Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 1--3} \bibitem[EHG]{EHG} Intel, {\em Itanium Processor Family Error Handling Guide}, August 2001 \bibitem[SAL]{SAL} Intel, {\em Itanium Processor Family System Abstraction Layer (SAL) Specification}, November 2002 \end{thebibliography}