\documentclass[twocolumn,12pt]{article} \usepackage{ols} \ifpdf \usepackage[pdftex]{epsfig} \else \usepackage{epsfig} \fi \input{ols-fonts} % These packages are Proceedings-friendly. \usepackage{cprog} \usepackage[nolineno,norules]{lgrind} \usepackage[hang,scriptsize]{subfigure} % These ones are only suitable for standalone \usepackage{subfigure} %%% both of these break the Proceedings and are thus evil \usepackage{listings} \input{llvm.lst} % Get listing support for llvm code %%%% \begin{document} \date{} %make title bold and 14 pt font (Latex default is non-bold, 16 pt) \title{Architecture for a Next-Generation GCC} \author{ Chris Lattner \hspace*{0.5in} Vikram Adve\\ \emph{University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign}\\ \texttt{\em\normalsize \{lattner, vadve\}@cs.uiuc.edu}\\ \emph{\normalsize \url{http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu}}} \maketitle % You have to do this to suppress page numbers. Don't ask. \thispagestyle{empty} Formatting team's note: The two figures here illustrate two ways of presenting the same information, and are hopefully more complex than you'll require. The first is set using Proceedings-friendly packages; the second works only as a standalone paper. %%% Figure typeset in a Proceedings-friendly fashion %%% (thanks to Diego Novillo for inspiration) \begin{figure*}[t] \scriptsize %%% \centering \subfigure[Example function]{% \label{figure:example_c} \parbox{0.65\columnwidth}{\input{example-c}} }\hspace*{5pt}\vrule\hspace*{5pt} \subfigure[Corresponding LLVM code] {% \label{figure:example_llvm} \parbox{1.35\columnwidth}{\input{example-ll}}} %%% }% \caption{C and LLVM code for a function} \label{figure:example} \end{figure*} %%===------------------------ % Code example figure % \begin{figure*} [t] \scriptsize \centering \subfigure[Example function] { \label{figure2:example_c} \lstset{language=c} \lstinputlisting{Figures/example.c} }\hspace*{5pt}\vrule\hspace*{5pt} \subfigure[Corresponding LLVM code] { \label{figure2:example_llvm} \lstset{language=LLVM} \lstinputlisting{Figures/example.ll} }% \caption{C and LLVM code for a function} \label{figure2:example} \end{figure*} % %%===------------------------ \end{document}