### ### This is from the 2004 OLS and GCC Templates and is no longer ### necessary for building the 2005 Proceedings. ### It is included (with minor changes) in case anyone finds it useful... ### .SUFFIXES: .tex .dvi .aux .eps .fig .dia .ps .pdf .bib .bbl # TOP should be set to the presenter's last name (should match directory name) TOP= TEXFILES=$(TOP).tex FIGFILES:=$(wildcard *.fig) EPSFILES:=$(wildcard *.eps) EPSFILES+=$(FIGFILES:.fig=.eps) PDFFILES=$(EPSFILES:.eps=.pdf) .fig.eps: fig2dev -L eps $< >$@ .fig.pdf: fig2dev -L pdf $< >$@ .eps.pdf: epstopdf $< all: $(TOP).ps $(TOP).pdf $(TOP).ps: $(TOP).dvi dvips -o $(TOP).ps $(TOP) $(TOP).dvi: $(TEXFILES) $(EPSFILES) TEXINPUTS=../Texmf:$$TEXINPUTS latex $(TOP) || true TEXINPUTS=../Texmf:$$TEXINPUTS bibtex $(TOP) || true TEXINPUTS=../Texmf:$$TEXINPUTS latex $(TOP) || true TEXINPUTS=../Texmf:$$TEXINPUTS latex $(TOP) $(TOP).pdf: $(TEXFILES) $(PDFFILES) TEXINPUTS=../Texmf:$$TEXINPUTS pdflatex $(TOP) || true TEXINPUTS=../Texmf:$$TEXINPUTS bibtex $(TOP) || true TEXINPUTS=../Texmf:$$TEXINPUTS pdflatex $(TOP) || true TEXINPUTS=../Texmf:$$TEXINPUTS pdflatex $(TOP) clean: rm -f *.aux *.dvi *.log rm -f $(TOP).ps $(TOP).pdf $(TOP).bbl $(TOP).blg