% Hot Keys, Video Control, Suspend/Resume, Oh % My! -- Recent advances and current challenges in Linux/ACPI % % Len Brown (len.brown@intel.com) *ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) is an open industry specification establishing industry-standard interfaces for OS-directed configuration and power management on laptops, desktops, and servers. ACPI enables new power management technology to evolve independently in operating systems and hardware while ensuring that they continue to work together. This paper begins with a brief overview of ACPI features, a description of the Linux/ACPI implementation, and the state of Linux/ACPI deployment. Detailed discussion of key technical areas follows, highlighting recent progress in Linux as well as current and future challenges. The focus areas this year include plug-and-play configuration; processor power management; CPU, IO and memory hot-plug; laptop hot-keys; video control and suspend/resume. In addition, the ACPI 3.0 specification was published after OLS last year, so we're now able to discuss Linux's response to {ACPI 3.0} in some detail.