\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \pagestyle{myheadings} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0mm} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0mm} \setlength{\topmargin}{0mm} \setlength{\topskip}{0mm} \setlength{\headheight}{0mm} \setlength{\textheight}{230mm} \setlength{\textwidth}{160mm} \markright{Appendix B: About the Speaker and his projects} \begin{document} \date{} \title{About hmw-consulting} \author{Harald Welte} % \maketitle \section{About Mr. Harald Welte} Harald Welte is an independent software developer and consultant\footnote{http://www.hmw-consulting.com/} in the fields of operating system development and network security, as well as high-performance data communications and embedded computing. Starting with 1992, Mr. Welte has been participating in the BBS community, gathering operational experience with German and International message-based offline communications networks, such as the FIDO Network and Z-Netz. In 1994, at a time where only the academic community in Germany had access to the Internet, he's been pioneering the effort of bringing Internet connectivity to individuals as part of a non-for-profit effort\footnote{Kommunikationsnetz Franken e.V. (http://www.franken.de/)}. He gathererd first-hand experience of early ISP\footnote{Internet Service Provider} operations. Due to the almost non-existant commercial products for Internet Service Providers (ISPs), he was using readily-available Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Starting in 1997, Mr. Welte became a full-time consultant for Linux/Unix Kernel and Network development. His technical involvement with the network stack of the Linux Operating System became stronger over time, and starting with 2001 he was appointed the chairman of the netfilter/iptables\footnote{http://www.netfilter.org/} project. Mr. Welte is a regular speaker at international Linux and network security related conferences, presenting at up to 17 such events per year. He is serving as a FOSS advisor to Astaro AG\footnote{http://www.astaro.com/}, providing guidance for the companies' FOSS involvement and contacts. His client list includes small and medium sized businesses and Germany, international Linux distributors as well as large international vendors of networking equipment. Furthermore, Mr. Welte is a member of a number of non-for-profit organizations related to the Internet, Computer Security, Digital/Civil Rights, such as the CCC\footnote{Chaos Computer Club (http://www.ccc.de/)}, FFII\footnote{Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (http://www.ffii.org/)}, KNF\footnote{Kommunikationsnetz Franken e.V. (http://www.franken.de/)}, ISOC.de\footnote{Internet Society German Chapter (http://www.isoc.de/)} and Humanistische Union\footnote{Humanistische Union (http://www.humanistische-union.de/)}. Mr. Welte is currently living in Berlin, Germany. \newpage \section{About the netfilter/iptables project} netfilter/iptables is a Free Software project providing an enormously large toolbox for network security, so-called ``firewalling''. Firewalls act as security gateway between an organization-internal network and a public network, such as the Internet. netfilter/iptables is probably\footnote{as the software can be copied by anyone, there is no way to determine the exact usage number} the mostly-used firewall software worldwide. Apart from being part of virtually any Linux Installation, there are hundreds of commercial vendors offering Firewall Software and/or Hardware Appliances based on netfilter/iptables, ranging from consumer-class equipment up to enterprise firewalls. Companies shipping netfilter/iptables based security gateways include Secunet, Novell, Astaro, Smoothwall, Balabit, Siemens, Fujitsu-Siemens, Deutsche Telekom, Netgear, Belkin, Cisco/Linksys, Asus. One netfilter/iptables based security product\footnote{SecuNet SINA (http://www.secunet.de/} has been awarded with classification level {\em NATO SECRET}). \section{About hmw-consulting} hmw-consulting is Mr. Welte's Berlin (Germany) based Information Technology Consulting Business, offering consulting, development and training in the areas of \begin{itemize} \item Networking (Internet, Intranet, Extranet) \item Network Security (Firewalls, Proxies, Intrusion Detection, VPN) \item Linux Kernel Development (Device Drivers, Networking Protcols) \item Embedded Linux (ARM, MIPS, x86, PowerPC) \item Industrial Linux Computing (Data Acquisition, Statistical Process Control) \end{itemize} \end{document}