How chip makers should (not) support Free Software Silicon manufacturers, or rather design houses play a key aspect in how well their products are supported in Free Software oparating systems such as Linux. In the early Linux days - more than a decade ago - it was normal to have completely public technical reference manuals for the silicon, enabling Linux community developers to write drivers for the chips. After chip design houses start to realize there is an economically significant Linux market, they try to use their existing workflow, processes and development model for proprietary operating systems and try to apply this to Linux. The result are in many cases binary-only drivers for certain Kernel versions and/or distributions or unmaintained, non-portable, coding style incompliant open source drivers for outdated kernel versions. Those kind of drivers are bound to create dissatisfaction within the Free Software developer community, among the Free Software users. Furthermore, they also result in inefficient use of R&D resources both inside and outside the chip vendor. Many silicon design houses still don't understand the Free Software and particularly Linux development model at all. This results in suboptimal support of their hardware products. In the end, customers are likely to buy from a different vendor. So what can chip design houses do to ensure excellent support of their products in the Free Software world?