\subsection{airprobe} \begin{frame}{Open Source GSM Tools: Airprobe} \begin{itemize} \item {\em airprobe} is a collection of Um protocol analyzer tools using the USRP software defined radio \item A number of different Um receiver implementations \begin{description}[gsm-receiver] \item[gssm] One of the two early Um receiver implementations (M\&M clock recovery) \item[gsmsp] The other early Um receiver implementation \item[gsm-tvoid] For a long time the Um receiver with best performance \item[gsm-receiver] The latest generation of Um receiver \end{description} \item Today, gsm-receiver seems to be the most popular choice \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Open Source GSM Tools: Airprobe} \begin{itemize} \item Some other airprobe tools \begin{description}[viterbi\_gen] \item[gsmdecode] A standalone text-mode Um L2 frame parser \item[wireshark] Dissector code for feeding Um frames into wireshark \item[gsmstack] An unfinished more modular implementation of a Rx-only L1 \item[viterbi\_gen] Generate C++ implementations of a viterbi decoder \end{description} \item Still under development, no user friendly solution \begin{itemize} \item gsmtap frame format needs to be added as clean wireshark interface \item receivers need automatic frequency scanning \item full solution needs proper UI \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame}