\newcommand{\degree}{\ensuremath{^\circ}} %\documentclass[handout]{beamer} \documentclass{beamer} % This file is a solution template for: % - Talk at a conference/colloquium. % - Talk length is about 20min. % - Style is ornate. % Copyright 2004 by Till Tantau . % % In principle, this file can be redistributed and/or modified under % the terms of the GNU Public License, version 2. % % However, this file is supposed to be a template to be modified % for your own needs. For this reason, if you use this file as a % template and not specifically distribute it as part of a another % package/program, I grant the extra permission to freely copy and % modify this file as you see fit and even to delete this copyright % notice. \mode { \usetheme{CambridgeUS} \usecolortheme{whale} %\setbeamercolor{titlelike}{parent=palette primary,fg=black} \setbeamercolor{frametitle}{use=block title,fg=black,bg=block title.bg!10!bg} % from beamercolorthemeorchid.sty to make it look more like warsaw \setbeamercolor{block title}{use=structure,fg=white,bg=structure.fg!75!black} \setbeamercolor{block title alerted}{use=alerted text,fg=white,bg=alerted text.fg!75!black} \setbeamercolor{block title example}{use=example text,fg=white,bg=example text.fg!75!black} \setbeamercolor{block body}{parent=normal text,use=block title,bg=block title.bg!10!bg} \setbeamercolor{block body alerted}{parent=normal text,use=block title alerted,bg=block title alerted.bg!10!bg} \setbeamercolor{block body example}{parent=normal text,use=block title example,bg=block title example.bg!10!bg} % or ... %\setbeamercovered{transparent} % or whatever (possibly just delete it) } \mode{ \usepackage{misc/handoutWithNotes} \pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1 with notes landscape}[a4paper,border shrink=5mm] \usecolortheme{seahorse} } % ensure the page number is printed in front of the author name in the footer %\newcommand*\oldmacro{} %\let\oldmacro\insertshortauthor% save previous definition %\renewcommand*\insertshortauthor{% % \leftskip=.3cm% before the author could be a plus1fill ... % \insertframenumber\,/\,\inserttotalframenumber\hfill\oldmacro} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{times} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{subfigure} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{textcomp,listings} %\usepackage{german} \lstset{basicstyle=\scriptsize\ttfamily, upquote, tabsize=8} \title{Osmocom SIMtrace} \subtitle{SIM card protocol tracing - why and how} \author{Harald~Welte} %\institute{sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH} % - Use the \inst command only if there are several affiliations. % - Keep it simple, no one is interested in your street address. \date[November 2014] % (optional, should be abbreviation of conference name) %{DeepSec Conference, November 2011, Vienna/Austria} % - Either use conference name or its abbreviation. % - Not really informative to the audience, more for people (including % yourself) who are reading the slides online \subject{GSM} % This is only inserted into the PDF information catalog. Can be left % out. % If you have a file called "university-logo-filename.xxx", where xxx % is a graphic format that can be processed by latex or pdflatex, % resp., then you can add a logo as follows: % \pgfdeclareimage[height=0.5cm]{university-logo}{university-logo-filename} % \logo{\pgfuseimage{university-logo}} % Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at % the beginning of each subsection: %\AtBeginSubsection[] %{ % \begin{frame}{Outline} % \tableofcontents[currentsection,currentsubsection] % \end{frame} %} % If you wish to uncover everything in a step-wise fashion, uncomment % the following command: %\beamerdefaultoverlayspecification{<+->} \begin{document} \begin{frame} \titlepage \end{frame} % Structuring a talk is a difficult task and the following structure % may not be suitable. Here are some rules that apply for this % solution: % - Exactly two or three sections (other than the summary). % - At *most* three subsections per section. % - Talk about 30s to 2min per frame. So there should be between about % 15 and 30 frames, all told. % - A conference audience is likely to know very little of what you % are going to talk about. So *simplify*! % - In a 20min talk, getting the main ideas across is hard % enough. Leave out details, even if it means being less precise than % you think necessary. % - If you omit details that are vital to the proof/implementation, % just say so once. Everybody will be happy with that. %\include{part-introduction} \part{Java SIM} \include{part-sim} \include{section-simtrace} %\include{part-ota} \end{document}