Welcome to Osmocom Conference 2017 ================================== :author: Harald Welte, Holger Hans Peter Freyther :copyright: Harald Welte, Holger Hans Peter Freyther (License: CC-BY-SA) :backend: slidy :max-width: 45em == Welcome to Osmocom Conference 2017 image:images/osmocon.png[width="90%"] == A diverse audience * Osmocom developers * Commercial cellular Operators * Community Wireless Network Operators * IT Security * Academia / Research * Vendors of BTS hardware / PHY layers * M2M / IoT Device Testing == Thanks to.. * Heike for organization, backoffice, registration * Maike for ticket sales, registration * our hosts here at JGH Berlin * our Speakers * the anonymous Sponsor of the travel grants == Schedule [cols="1,1,2",width="60%"] |=== | 10:00 | 10:30 | Morning Break | 12:30 | 13:30 | Lunch Break | 15:30 | 16:00 | Afternoon Break | 19:30 | - | Social event (doors) | 20:00 | - | Social event (food) |=== and lots of technical talks in between, of course == Social Event * Address Restaurant "Zur Gerichtslaube" Poststr. 28 10178 Berlin * We have leaflets with map + address informations * Get there: By yourself, using public transport or cabs * Vegetarian + Vegan option available upon request == Where do we come from? * 2008: Humble beginnings with bs11_abis + bsc_hack ** Dieter Spaar + Harald Welte start with old Siemens BS-11 and ISDN-Card ** implement whatever needed beyond the BTS to simulate a telephony network ** turned into OpenBSC in December 2008 .... commit 52b1f9888905df8aa6ecd50af900b63f5273de6a Author: Harald Welte Date: Tue Dec 23 20:25:15 2008 +0000 initial commit of current OpenBSC state .... == From OpenBSC to Osmocom * 2009: OpenBSC code matures beyond PoC * 2009: Support for ip.access nanoBTS ** first multi-vendor BSC to our knowledge * 2010: OsmocomBB project starts for phone-side GSM stack * Start of Osmocom as umbrella project for OpenBSC + OsmocomBB == Osmocom 101 * umbrella project for *O* pen *S* ource *MO* bile *COM* munications * FOSS developers exploring mobile communications * much larger than the **Cellular Infrastructure** projects we talk about today ** TETRA, Thuraya, DECT, OP25, SDR, SIMtrace and many others ** 59 projects in https://osmocom.org/ redmine ** 112 git repositories on https://git.osmocom.org/ * most well-known typically OsmocomBB, OpenBSC + rtl-sdr == Community + Collaborative Development * Free Software is about *collaborative development* ** shared investment in R&D, while everyone can use full results ** it is *not* about a one-way producer/consumer relationship * sustainable projects need serious committment contributions from all stake holders == sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH * founded in 2011 by two core Osmocom developers * exists to drive/support Osmocom development * does not claim (nor want) ownership over any part of Osmocom * organizes this event as Osmocom is no legal entity * unfortunately is doing >= 80% of commits in Osmocom cellular infrastructure projects. ** Osmocom must not depend on sysmocom ** we need more commitment and contributions from all users and beneficiaries == EOF End of File