path: root/firmware/src/start/Cstartup_app.S
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Diffstat (limited to 'firmware/src/start/Cstartup_app.S')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/src/start/Cstartup_app.S b/firmware/src/start/Cstartup_app.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a2187a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/src/start/Cstartup_app.S
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* Cstartup header for the application to be started by at91dfu
+ * (C) 2006 by Harald Welte <> */
+//#define DEBUG_LL
+#ifdef DEBUG_LL
+/* Debugging macros for switching on/off LED1 (green) */
+#define PIOA_PER 0xFFFFF400
+#define PIOA_OER 0xFFFFF410
+#define PIOA_SODR 0xFFFFF430
+#define PIOA_CODR 0xFFFFF434
+#define LED1 25 /* this only works on OpenPICC, not Olimex */
+ .macro led1on
+ ldr r2, =PIOA_CODR
+ mov r1, #(1 << LED1)
+ str r1, [r2]
+ .endm
+ .macro led1off
+ ldr r2, =PIOA_SODR
+ mov r1, #(1 << LED1)
+ str r1, [r2]
+ .endm
+ .macro ledinit
+ ldr r2, =PIOA_PER
+ mov r1, #(1 << LED1)
+ str r1, [r2]
+ ldr r2, =PIOA_OER
+ str r1, [r2]
+ led1off
+ .endm
+ .macro ledinit
+ .endm
+ .macro led1on
+ .endm
+ .macro led1off
+ .endm
+ .global _startup
+ .func _startup
+ /* Relocate .data section (copy from Flash to RAM) */
+ ldr r1, =_etext
+ ldr r2, =_data
+ ldr r3, =_edata
+loop_r: cmp r2, r3
+ ldrlo r0, [r1], #4
+ strlo r0, [r2], #4
+ blo loop_r
+ /* Clear .bss section (Zero init) */
+ mov r0, #0
+ ldr r1, =__bss_start__
+ ldr r2, =__bss_end__
+loop_z: cmp r1, r2
+ strlo r0, [r1], #4
+ blo loop_z
+ led1on
+ /* prepare C function call to main */
+ mov r0, #0 /* argc = 0 */
+ ldr lr, =exit
+ ldr r10, =main
+ bx r10
+ .size _startup, . - _startup
+ .endfunc
+/* "exit" dummy to avoid sbrk write read etc. needed by the newlib default "exit" */
+ .global exit
+ .func exit
+ b .
+ .size exit, . - exit
+ .endfunc
+ .end
personal git repositories of Harald Welte. Your mileage may vary