#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "env.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "openpicc.h" #include "led.h" #include "da.h" #include "adc.h" #include "pll.h" #include "tc_cdiv.h" #include "tc_cdiv_sync.h" #include "pio_irq.h" #include "ssc.h" #include "usb_print.h" #include "load_modulation.h" #include "tc_sniffer.h" xQueueHandle xCmdQueue; xTaskHandle xCmdTask; xTaskHandle xCmdRecvUsbTask; xTaskHandle xFieldMeterTask; xSemaphoreHandle xFieldMeterMutex; volatile int fdt_offset=-20; volatile int load_mod_level_set=3; #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) static signed portCHAR pcWriteBuffer[512]; #endif /* Whether to require a colon (':') be typed before long commands, similar to e.g. vi * This makes a distinction between long commands and short commands: long commands may be * longer than one character and/or accept optional parameters, short commands are only one * character with no arguments (typically some toggling command). Short commands execute * immediately when the character is pressed, long commands must be completed with return. * */ static const portBASE_TYPE USE_COLON_FOR_LONG_COMMANDS = 0; /* When not USE_COLON_FOR_LONG_COMMANDS then short commands will be recognized by including * their character in the string SHORT_COMMANDS * */ static const char *SHORT_COMMANDS = "!prc+-l?hq9fjka#i"; /* Note that the long/short command distinction only applies to the USB serial console * */ /**********************************************************************/ void DumpUIntToUSB(unsigned int data) { int i=0; unsigned char buffer[10],*p=&buffer[sizeof(buffer)]; do { *--p='0'+(unsigned char)(data%10); data/=10; i++; } while(data); while(i--) usb_print_char(*p++); } /**********************************************************************/ void DumpStringToUSB(char* text) { usb_print_string(text); } /**********************************************************************/ static inline unsigned char HexChar(unsigned char nibble) { return nibble + ((nibble<0x0A) ? '0':('A'-0xA)); } void DumpBufferToUSB(char* buffer, int len) { int i; for(i=0; i> 4)); usb_print_char(HexChar( *buffer++ & 0xf)); } } /**********************************************************************/ void DumpTimeToUSB(long ticks) { int h, s, m, ms; ms = ticks; s=ms/1000; ms%=1000; h=s/3600; s%=3600; m=s/60; s%=60; DumpUIntToUSB(h); DumpStringToUSB("h:"); if(m < 10) DumpStringToUSB("0"); DumpUIntToUSB(m); DumpStringToUSB("m:"); if(s < 10) DumpStringToUSB("0"); DumpUIntToUSB(s); DumpStringToUSB("s."); if(ms < 10) DumpStringToUSB("0"); if(ms < 100) DumpStringToUSB("0"); DumpUIntToUSB(ms); DumpStringToUSB("ms"); } /* * Convert a string to an integer. Ignores leading spaces. * Optionally returns a pointer to the end of the number in the string */ int atoiEx(const char * nptr, char * * eptr) { portBASE_TYPE sign = 1, i=0; int curval = 0; while(nptr[i] == ' ' && nptr[i] != 0) i++; if(nptr[i] == 0) goto out; if(nptr[i] == '-') {sign *= -1; i++; } else if(nptr[i] == '+') { i++; } while(nptr[i] != 0 && nptr[i] >= '0' && nptr[i] <= '9') curval = curval * 10 + (nptr[i++] - '0'); out: if(eptr != NULL) *eptr = (char*)nptr+i; return sign * curval; } #define DYNAMIC_PIN_PLL_LOCK 1 static struct { int pin; int dynpin; char * description; } PIO_PINS[] = { {0,DYNAMIC_PIN_PLL_LOCK, "pll lock "}, {OPENPICC_PIO_FRAME,0, "frame start"}, }; void print_pio(void) { int data = *AT91C_PIOA_PDSR; unsigned int i; DumpStringToUSB( " *****************************************************\n\r" " * Current PIO readings: *\n\r" " *****************************************************\n\r" " *\n\r"); for(i=0; i='A' && cByte<='Z') cByte-=('A'-'a'); DumpStringToUSB("Got command "); DumpUIntToUSB(cmd); DumpStringToUSB(" with args "); DumpStringToUSB(args); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); i=0; // Note: Commands have been uppercased when this code is called switch(cmd) { case 'TEST': DumpStringToUSB("Testing critical sections\r\n"); j=ulCriticalNesting; DumpStringToUSB("Nesting is now "); DumpUIntToUSB(j); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); taskENTER_CRITICAL(); for(i=0; i<1000; i++) {;} j=ulCriticalNesting; taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); DumpStringToUSB("Nesting was "); DumpUIntToUSB(j); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); j=ulCriticalNesting; DumpStringToUSB("Nesting is now "); DumpUIntToUSB(j); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); break; case 'THRU': { /*char buffer[64]; memset(buffer, 'A', sizeof(buffer)); usb_print_flush(); while(1) usb_print_buffer(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));*/ while(1) vUSBSendBuffer((unsigned char*)"AAAAAABCDEBBBBB", 0, 15); } break; case 'Z': i=atoiEx(args, &args); if(i==0) { tc_cdiv_sync_disable(); DumpStringToUSB("cdiv_sync disabled \n\r"); } else { tc_cdiv_sync_enable(); DumpStringToUSB("cdiv_sync enabled \n\r"); } break; case 'G': if(!OPENPICC->features.data_gating) { DumpStringToUSB("This hardware does not have data gating capability\n\r"); break; } i=atoiEx(args, &args); ssc_set_gate(i); if(i==0) { DumpStringToUSB("SSC_DATA disabled \n\r"); } else { DumpStringToUSB("SSC_DATA enabled \n\r"); } break; case 'D': i=atoiEx(args, &args); tc_cdiv_set_divider(i); DumpStringToUSB("tc_cdiv set to "); DumpUIntToUSB(i); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); break; case 'P': print_pio(); break; case 'R': start_stop_sniffing(); break; case 'C': DumpStringToUSB( " *****************************************************\n\r" " * Current configuration: *\n\r" " *****************************************************\n\r" " * Version " COMPILE_SVNREV "\n\r" " * compiled " COMPILE_DATE " by " COMPILE_BY "\n\r" " * running on "); DumpStringToUSB(OPENPICC->release_name); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r *\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * Uptime is "); ms=xTaskGetTickCount(); DumpTimeToUSB(ms); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * The comparator threshold is "); DumpUIntToUSB(da_get_value()); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * Number of PIO IRQs handled: "); i = pio_irq_get_count() & (~(unsigned int)0); DumpUIntToUSB(i); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * current field strength: "); DumpUIntToUSB(adc_get_field_strength()); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * fdt_offset: "); if(fdt_offset < 0) { DumpStringToUSB("-"); DumpUIntToUSB(-fdt_offset); } else DumpUIntToUSB(fdt_offset); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * load_mod_level: "); DumpUIntToUSB(load_mod_level_set); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC performance metrics:\n\r"); for(i=0; i<_MAX_METRICS; i++) { char *name; int value; if(ssc_get_metric(i, &name, &value)) { DumpStringToUSB(" * \t"); DumpStringToUSB(name); DumpStringToUSB(": "); DumpUIntToUSB(value); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); } } DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC status: "); DumpUIntToUSB(AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_SR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * TC0_CV value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_TC0_CV); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * TC2_CV value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_TC2_CV); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * TC2_IMR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_TC2_IMR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * TC2_SR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_TC2_SR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * TC2_RB value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_TC2_RB); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * TC2_RC value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_TC2_RC); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC_SR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_SSC_SR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC_RCMR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_SSC_RCMR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC_TCMR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_SSC_TCMR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC_TFMR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_SSC_TFMR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC_TPR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_SSC_TPR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC_TCR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_SSC_TCR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC_RPR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_SSC_RPR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC_RCR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_SSC_RCR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB(" * SSC_IMR value: "); DumpUIntToUSB(*AT91C_SSC_IMR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); DumpStringToUSB( " *\n\r" " *****************************************************\n\r" ); break; case '+': case '-': if(cmd == '+') { if(da_get_value() < 255) da_comp_carr(da_get_value()+1); } else if(da_get_value() > 0) da_comp_carr(da_get_value()-1);; DumpStringToUSB(" * Comparator threshold set to "); DumpUIntToUSB(da_get_value()); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); break; case 'L': led = (led+1)%4; vLedSetRed( (led&1) ); vLedSetGreen( led&2 ); DumpStringToUSB(" * LEDs set to "); vUSBSendByte( (char)led + '0' ); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); break; case '!': tc_cdiv_sync_reset(); break; case '#': if(!OPENPICC->features.clock_switching) { DumpStringToUSB("* This hardware is not clock switching capable\n\r"); break; } clock_select = (clock_select+1) % _MAX_CLOCK_SOURCES; ssc_select_clock(clock_select); DumpStringToUSB("Active clock is now "); DumpUIntToUSB(clock_select); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); break; case 'J': fdt_offset++; DumpStringToUSB("fdt_offset is now "); if(fdt_offset<0) { DumpStringToUSB("-"); DumpUIntToUSB(-fdt_offset); } else { DumpStringToUSB("+"); DumpUIntToUSB(fdt_offset); } DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); break; case 'K': fdt_offset--; DumpStringToUSB("fdt_offset is now "); if(fdt_offset<0) { DumpStringToUSB("-"); DumpUIntToUSB(-fdt_offset); } else { DumpStringToUSB("+"); DumpUIntToUSB(fdt_offset); } DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); break; case 'F': startstop_field_meter(); break; case 'I': pll_inhibit(!pll_is_inhibited()); if(pll_is_inhibited()) DumpStringToUSB(" * PLL is now inhibited\n\r"); else DumpStringToUSB(" * PLL is now running\n\r"); #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) case 'T': memset(pcWriteBuffer, 0, sizeof(pcWriteBuffer)); vTaskList(pcWriteBuffer); DumpStringToUSB((char*)pcWriteBuffer); break; #endif case 'Q': //BROKEN new ssc code //ssc_rx_start(); while(0) { DumpUIntToUSB(AT91C_BASE_SSC->SSC_SR); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); } break; case 'A': load_mod_level_set = (load_mod_level_set+1) % 4; load_mod_level(load_mod_level_set); DumpStringToUSB("load_mod_level is now "); DumpUIntToUSB(load_mod_level_set); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); break; case 'H': case '?': DumpStringToUSB( " *****************************************************\n\r" " * OpenPICC USB terminal *\n\r" " * (C) 2007 Milosch Meriac *\n\r" " * (C) 2007 Henryk Plötz *\n\r" " *****************************************************\n\r" " * Version " COMPILE_SVNREV "\n\r" " * compiled " COMPILE_DATE " by " COMPILE_BY "\n\r" " * running on "); DumpStringToUSB(OPENPICC->release_name); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r *\n\r" " * test - test critical sections\n\r" " * thru - test throughput\n\r" #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) " * t - print task list and stack usage\n\r" #endif " * c - print configuration\n\r" " * +,- - decrease/increase comparator threshold\n\r" " * # - switch clock\n\r" " * l - cycle LEDs\n\r" " * p - print PIO pins\n\r" " * r - start/stop receiving\n\r" " * z 0/1- enable or disable tc_cdiv_sync\n\r" " * i - inhibit/uninhibit PLL\n\r" " * ! - reset tc_cdiv_sync\n\r" " * q - start rx\n\r" " * f - start/stop field meter\n\r" " * d div- set tc_cdiv divider value 16, 32, 64, ...\n\r" " * j,k - increase, decrease fdt_offset\n\r" " * a - change load modulation level\n\r" " * g 0/1- disable or enable SSC_DATA through gate\n\r" " * 9 - reset CPU\n\r" " * ?,h - display this help screen\n\r" " *\n\r" " *****************************************************\n\r" ); break; case '9': AT91F_RSTSoftReset(AT91C_BASE_RSTC, AT91C_RSTC_PROCRST| AT91C_RSTC_PERRST|AT91C_RSTC_EXTRST); break; } } // A task to execute commands void vCmdCode(void *pvParameters) { (void) pvParameters; u_int32_t cmd; portBASE_TYPE i, j=0; for(;;) { cmd_type next_command; cmd = j = 0; if( xQueueReceive(xCmdQueue, &next_command, ( portTickType ) 100 ) ) { DumpStringToUSB("Command received:"); DumpStringToUSB(next_command.command); DumpStringToUSB("\n\r"); while(next_command.command[j] == ' ' && next_command.command[j] != 0) { j++; } for(i=0;i<4;i++) { portCHAR cByte = next_command.command[i+j]; if(next_command.command[i+j] == 0 || next_command.command[i+j] == ' ') break; if(cByte>='a' && cByte<='z') { cmd = (cmd<<8) | (cByte+('A'-'a')); } else cmd = (cmd<<8) | cByte; } while(next_command.command[i+j] == ' ' && next_command.command[i+j] != 0) { i++; } prvExecCommand(cmd, next_command.command+i+j); } else { } } } // A task to read commands from USB void vCmdRecvUsbCode(void *pvParameters) { portBASE_TYPE len=0; portBASE_TYPE short_command=1, submit_it=0; cmd_type next_command = { source: SRC_USB, command: ""}; (void) pvParameters; for( ;; ) { if(vUSBRecvByte(&next_command.command[len], 1, 100)) { if(USE_COLON_FOR_LONG_COMMANDS) { if(len == 0 && next_command.command[len] == ':') short_command = 0; } else { if(strchr(SHORT_COMMANDS, next_command.command[len]) == NULL) short_command = 0; } next_command.command[len+1] = 0; DumpStringToUSB(next_command.command + len); if(next_command.command[len] == '\n' || next_command.command[len] == '\r') { next_command.command[len] = 0; submit_it = 1; } if(short_command==1) { submit_it = 1; } if(submit_it) { if(len > 0 || short_command) { if( xQueueSend(xCmdQueue, &next_command, 0) != pdTRUE) { DumpStringToUSB("Queue full, command can't be processed.\n"); } } len=0; submit_it=0; short_command=1; } else if( len>0 || next_command.command[len] != ':') len++; if(len >= MAX_CMD_LEN-1) { DumpStringToUSB("ERROR: Command too long. Ignored."); len=0; } } } } static portBASE_TYPE field_meter_enabled = 0; #define FIELD_METER_WIDTH 80 #define FIELD_METER_MAX_VALUE 160 #define FIELD_METER_SCALE_FACTOR (FIELD_METER_MAX_VALUE/FIELD_METER_WIDTH) // A task to print the field strength as a bar graph void vFieldMeter(void *pvParameters) { (void) pvParameters; char meter_string[FIELD_METER_WIDTH+2]; while(1) { if(xSemaphoreTake(xFieldMeterMutex, portMAX_DELAY)) { int i,ad_value = adc_get_field_strength(); meter_string[0] = '\r'; for(i=0; iPLL_LOCK; PIO_PINS[i].dynpin = 0; } } /* FIXME Maybe modify to use pointers? */ xCmdQueue = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof(cmd_type) ); if(xCmdQueue == 0) { return 0; } vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xFieldMeterMutex ); if(xFieldMeterMutex == 0) { return 0; } xSemaphoreTake(xFieldMeterMutex, portMAX_DELAY); if(xTaskCreate(vCmdCode, (signed portCHAR *)"CMD", TASK_CMD_STACK, NULL, TASK_CMD_PRIORITY, &xCmdTask) != pdPASS) { return 0; } if(xTaskCreate(vCmdRecvUsbCode, (signed portCHAR *)"CMDUSB", 128, NULL, TASK_CMD_PRIORITY, &xCmdRecvUsbTask) != pdPASS) { return 0; } if(xTaskCreate(vFieldMeter, (signed portCHAR *)"FIELD METER", 128, NULL, TASK_CMD_PRIORITY, &xFieldMeterTask) != pdPASS) { return 0; } return 1; }