/* Buffered USB debug output * (C) 2007 Henryk Plötz <henryk@ploetzli.ch> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <task.h> #include <semphr.h> #include <USB-CDC.h> #include <string.h> #include "usb_print.h" #define BUFLEN (2*1024) static char ringbuffer[BUFLEN]; static int ringstart, ringstop; static int default_flush = 1, forced_silence = 0; static xSemaphoreHandle print_semaphore; void usb_print_buffer(const char* buffer, int start, int stop) { usb_print_buffer_f(buffer,start,stop,default_flush); } int usb_print_buffer_f(const char* buffer, int start, int stop, int flush) { int pos=start, endpos=stop; while(pos<stop) { int available = BUFLEN-1 - (((ringstop+BUFLEN)-ringstart) % BUFLEN); if(available == 0 && flush) { usb_print_flush(); continue; } if((endpos-pos)>available) endpos=pos+available; while(pos < endpos) { ringbuffer[ringstop] = buffer[pos]; pos++; available--; ringstop = (ringstop+1) % BUFLEN; } if(flush) usb_print_flush(); else if(available==0) return 0; endpos=stop; if(pos>=stop) return (available > 0); } return 0; } void usb_print_string(const char *string) { usb_print_string_f(string, default_flush); } int usb_print_string_f(const char* string, int flush) { int start = 0, stop = strlen(string); return usb_print_buffer_f(string, start, stop, flush); } void usb_print_char(const char c) { usb_print_char_f(c, default_flush); } int usb_print_char_f(const char c, int flush) { return usb_print_buffer_f(&c, 0, 1, flush); } int usb_print_get_default_flush(void) { return default_flush; } int usb_print_set_default_flush(int flush) { int old_flush = default_flush; default_flush = flush; return old_flush; } int usb_print_set_force_silence(int silence) { int old_silence = forced_silence; forced_silence = silence; return old_silence; } /* Must NOT be called from ISR context */ void usb_print_flush(void) { int oldstop, newstart; if(forced_silence) return; taskENTER_CRITICAL(); if(print_semaphore == NULL) usb_print_init(); if(print_semaphore == NULL) { taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); return; } taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); xSemaphoreTake(print_semaphore, portMAX_DELAY); taskENTER_CRITICAL(); oldstop = ringstop; newstart = ringstart; taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); while(newstart != oldstop) { vUSBSendByte_blocking(ringbuffer[newstart], 5*portTICK_RATE_MS); newstart = (newstart+1) % BUFLEN; } taskENTER_CRITICAL(); ringstart = newstart; taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); xSemaphoreGive(print_semaphore); } void usb_print_init(void) { memset(ringbuffer, 0, BUFLEN); ringstart = ringstop = 0; vSemaphoreCreateBinary( print_semaphore ); }