path: root/src/lib/decoder/openbtsstuff/BitVector.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 427 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/decoder/openbtsstuff/BitVector.h b/src/lib/decoder/openbtsstuff/BitVector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3019c2c..0000000
--- a/src/lib/decoder/openbtsstuff/BitVector.h
+++ /dev/null
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-* Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License.
-* See the COPYING file in the main directory for details.
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-#include "Vector.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-class BitVector;
-class SoftVector;
-/** Shift-register (LFSR) generator. */
-class Generator {
- private:
- uint64_t mCoeff; ///< polynomial coefficients. LSB is zero exponent.
- uint64_t mState; ///< shift register state. LSB is most recent.
- uint64_t mMask; ///< mask for reading state
- unsigned mLen; ///< number of bits used in shift register
- unsigned mLen_1; ///< mLen - 1
- public:
- Generator(uint64_t wCoeff, unsigned wLen)
- :mCoeff(wCoeff),mState(0),
- mMask((1ULL<<wLen)-1),
- mLen(wLen),mLen_1(wLen-1)
- { assert(wLen<64); }
- void clear() { mState=0; }
- /**@name Accessors */
- //@{
- uint64_t state() const { return mState & mMask; }
- unsigned size() const { return mLen; }
- //@}
- /**
- Calculate one bit of a syndrome.
- This is in the .h for inlining.
- */
- void syndromeShift(unsigned inBit)
- {
- const unsigned fb = (mState>>(mLen_1)) & 0x01;
- mState = (mState<<1) ^ (inBit & 0x01);
- if (fb) mState ^= mCoeff;
- }
- /**
- Update the generator state by one cycle.
- This is in the .h for inlining.
- */
- void encoderShift(unsigned inBit)
- {
- const unsigned fb = ((mState>>(mLen_1)) ^ inBit) & 0x01;
- mState <<= 1;
- if (fb) mState ^= mCoeff;
- }
-/** Parity (CRC-type) generator and checker based on a Generator. */
-class Parity : public Generator {
- protected:
- unsigned mCodewordSize;
- public:
- Parity(uint64_t wCoefficients, unsigned wParitySize, unsigned wCodewordSize)
- :Generator(wCoefficients, wParitySize),
- mCodewordSize(wCodewordSize)
- { }
- /** Compute the parity word and write it into the target segment. */
- void writeParityWord(const BitVector& data, BitVector& parityWordTarget, bool invert=true);
- /** Compute the syndrome of a received sequence. */
- uint64_t syndrome(const BitVector& receivedCodeword);
- Class to represent convolutional coders/decoders of rate 1/2, memory length 4.
- This is the "workhorse" coder for most GSM channels.
-class ViterbiR2O4 {
- private:
- /**name Lots of precomputed elements so the compiler can optimize like hell. */
- //@{
- /**@name Core values. */
- //@{
- static const unsigned mIRate = 2; ///< reciprocal of rate
- static const unsigned mOrder = 4; ///< memory length of generators
- //@}
- /**@name Derived values. */
- //@{
- static const unsigned mIStates = 0x01 << mOrder; ///< number of states, number of survivors
- static const uint32_t mSMask = mIStates-1; ///< survivor mask
- static const uint32_t mCMask = (mSMask<<1) | 0x01; ///< candidate mask
- static const uint32_t mOMask = (0x01<<mIRate)-1; ///< ouput mask, all iRate low bits set
- static const unsigned mNumCands = mIStates*2; ///< number of candidates to generate during branching
- static const unsigned mDeferral = 6*mOrder; ///< deferral to be used
- //@}
- //@}
- /** Precomputed tables. */
- //@{
- uint32_t mCoeffs[mIRate]; ///< polynomial for each generator
- uint32_t mStateTable[mIRate][2*mIStates]; ///< precomputed generator output tables
- uint32_t mGeneratorTable[2*mIStates]; ///< precomputed coder output table
- //@}
- public:
- /**
- A candidate sequence in a Viterbi decoder.
- The 32-bit state register can support a deferral of 6 with a 4th-order coder.
- */
- typedef struct candStruct {
- uint32_t iState; ///< encoder input associated with this candidate
- uint32_t oState; ///< encoder output associated with this candidate
- float cost; ///< cost (metric value), float to support soft inputs
- } vCand;
- /** Clear a structure. */
- void clear(vCand& v)
- {
- v.iState=0;
- v.oState=0;
- v.cost=0;
- }
- private:
- /**@name Survivors and candidates. */
- //@{
- vCand mSurvivors[mIStates]; ///< current survivor pool
- vCand mCandidates[2*mIStates]; ///< current candidate pool
- //@}
- public:
- unsigned iRate() const { return mIRate; }
- uint32_t cMask() const { return mCMask; }
- uint32_t stateTable(unsigned g, unsigned i) const { return mStateTable[g][i]; }
- unsigned deferral() const { return mDeferral; }
- ViterbiR2O4();
- /** Set all cost metrics to zero. */
- void initializeStates();
- /**
- Full cycle of the Viterbi algorithm: branch, metrics, prune, select.
- @return reference to minimum-cost candidate.
- */
- const vCand& step(uint32_t inSample, const float *probs, const float *iprobs);
- private:
- /** Branch survivors into new candidates. */
- void branchCandidates();
- /** Compute cost metrics for soft-inputs. */
- void getSoftCostMetrics(uint32_t inSample, const float *probs, const float *iprobs);
- /** Select survivors from the candidate set. */
- void pruneCandidates();
- /** Find the minimum cost survivor. */
- const vCand& minCost() const;
- /**
- Precompute the state tables.
- @param g Generator index 0..((1/rate)-1)
- */
- void computeStateTables(unsigned g);
- /**
- Precompute the generator outputs.
- mCoeffs must be defined first.
- */
- void computeGeneratorTable();
-class BitVector : public Vector<char> {
- public:
- /**@name Constructors. */
- //@{
- /**@name Casts of Vector constructors. */
- //@{
- BitVector(char* wData, char* wStart, char* wEnd)
- :Vector<char>(wData,wStart,wEnd)
- { }
- BitVector(size_t len=0):Vector<char>(len) {}
- BitVector(const Vector<char>& source):Vector<char>(source) {}
- BitVector(Vector<char>& source):Vector<char>(source) {}
- BitVector(const Vector<char>& source1, const Vector<char> source2):Vector<char>(source1,source2) {}
- //@}
- /** Construct from a string of "0" and "1". */
- BitVector(const char* valString);
- //@}
- /** Index a single bit. */
- bool bit(size_t index) const
- {
- // We put this code in .h for fast inlining.
- const char *dp = mStart+index;
- assert(dp<mEnd);
- return (*dp) & 0x01;
- }
- /**@name Casts and overrides of Vector operators. */
- //@{
- BitVector segment(size_t start, size_t span)
- {
- char* wStart = mStart + start;
- char* wEnd = wStart + span;
- assert(wEnd<=mEnd);
- return BitVector(NULL,wStart,wEnd);
- }
- BitVector alias()
- { return segment(0,size()); }
- const BitVector segment(size_t start, size_t span) const
- { return (BitVector)(Vector<char>::segment(start,span)); }
- BitVector head(size_t span) { return segment(0,span); }
- const BitVector head(size_t span) const { return segment(0,span); }
- BitVector tail(size_t start) { return segment(start,size()-start); }
- const BitVector tail(size_t start) const { return segment(start,size()-start); }
- //@}
- void zero() { fill(0); }
- /**@name FEC operations. */
- //@{
- /** Calculate the syndrome of the vector with the given Generator. */
- uint64_t syndrome(Generator& gen) const;
- /** Calculate the parity word for the vector with the given Generator. */
- uint64_t parity(Generator& gen) const;
- /** Encode the signal with the GSM rate 1/2 convolutional encoder. */
- void encode(const ViterbiR2O4& encoder, BitVector& target);
- //@}
- /** Invert 0<->1. */
- void invert();
- /**@name Byte-wise operations. */
- //@{
- /** Reverse an 8-bit vector. */
- void reverse8();
- /** Reverse groups of 8 within the vector (byte reversal). */
- void LSB8MSB();
- //@}
- /**@name Serialization and deserialization. */
- //@{
- uint64_t peekField(size_t readIndex, unsigned length) const;
- uint64_t readField(size_t& readIndex, unsigned length) const;
- void fillField(size_t writeIndex, uint64_t value, unsigned length);
- void writeField(size_t& writeIndex, uint64_t value, unsigned length);
- //@}
- /** Sum of bits. */
- unsigned sum() const;
- /** Reorder bits, dest[i] = this[map[i]]. */
- void map(const unsigned *map, size_t mapSize, BitVector& dest) const;
- /** Reorder bits, dest[map[i]] = this[i]. */
- void unmap(const unsigned *map, size_t mapSize, BitVector& dest) const;
- /** Pack into a char array. */
- void pack(unsigned char*) const;
- /** Unopack from a char array. */
- void unpack(const unsigned char*);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const BitVector&);
- The SoftVector class is used to represent a soft-decision signal.
- Values 0..1 represent probabilities that a bit is "true".
- */
-class SoftVector: public Vector<float> {
- public:
- /** Build a SoftVector of a given length. */
- SoftVector(size_t wSize=0):Vector<float>(wSize) {}
- /** Construct a SoftVector from a C string of "0", "1", and "X". */
- SoftVector(const char* valString);
- /** Construct a SoftVector from a BitVector. */
- SoftVector(const BitVector& source);
- /**
- Wrap a SoftVector around a block of floats.
- The block will be delete[]ed upon desctuction.
- */
- SoftVector(float *wData, unsigned length)
- :Vector<float>(wData,length)
- {}
- SoftVector(float* wData, float* wStart, float* wEnd)
- :Vector<float>(wData,wStart,wEnd)
- { }
- /**
- Casting from a Vector<float>.
- Note that this is NOT pass-by-reference.
- */
- SoftVector(Vector<float> source)
- :Vector<float>(source)
- {}
- /**@name Casts and overrides of Vector operators. */
- //@{
- SoftVector segment(size_t start, size_t span)
- {
- float* wStart = mStart + start;
- float* wEnd = wStart + span;
- assert(wEnd<=mEnd);
- return SoftVector(NULL,wStart,wEnd);
- }
- SoftVector alias()
- { return segment(0,size()); }
- const SoftVector segment(size_t start, size_t span) const
- { return (SoftVector)(Vector<float>::segment(start,span)); }
- SoftVector head(size_t span) { return segment(0,span); }
- const SoftVector head(size_t span) const { return segment(0,span); }
- SoftVector tail(size_t start) { return segment(start,size()-start); }
- const SoftVector tail(size_t start) const { return segment(start,size()-start); }
- //@}
- /** Decode soft symbols with the GSM rate-1/2 Viterbi decoder. */
- void decode(ViterbiR2O4 &decoder, BitVector& target) const;
- /** Fill with "unknown" values. */
- void unknown() { fill(0.5F); }
- /** Return a hard bit value from a given index by slicing. */
- bool bit(size_t index) const
- {
- const float *dp = mStart+index;
- assert(dp<mEnd);
- return (*dp)>0.5F;
- }
- /** Slice the whole signal into bits. */
- BitVector sliced() const;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const SoftVector&);
-// vim: ts=4 sw=4
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