path: root/2005/gpl-ec2005/gpl-ec2005.xml
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authorHarald Welte <>2015-10-25 21:00:20 +0100
committerHarald Welte <>2015-10-25 21:00:20 +0100
commitfca59bea770346cf1c1f9b0e00cb48a61b44a8f3 (patch)
treea2011270df48d3501892ac1a56015c8be57e8a7d /2005/gpl-ec2005/gpl-ec2005.xml
import of old now defunct presentation slides svn repo
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+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN' ''>
+<article id="gpl-enforcement-ccc2004">
+ <title>Enforcing the GNU GPL - Copyright helps Copyleft</title>
+ <authorgroup>
+ <author>
+ <personname>
+ <firstname>Harald</firstname>
+ <surname>Welte</surname>
+ </personname>
+ <!--
+ <personblurb>Harald Welte</personblurb>
+ <affiliation>
+ <orgname>netfilter core team</orgname>
+ <address>
+ <email></email>
+ </address>
+ </affiliation>
+ -->
+ <email></email>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2004</year>
+ <holder>Harald Welte &lt;; </holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <date>Dec 01, 2004</date>
+ <edition>1</edition>
+ <orgname>netfilter core team</orgname>
+ <releaseinfo>
+ $Revision: 1.4 $
+ </releaseinfo>
+ <abstract>
+ <para>
+More and more vendors of various computing devices, especially network-related
+appliances such as Routers, NAT-Gateways and 802.11 Access Points are using
+Linux and other GPL licensed free software in their products.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+While the Linux community can look at this as a big success, there is a back
+side of that coin: A large number of those vendors have no idea about the GPL
+license terms, and as a result do not fulfill their obligations under the GPL.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The netfilter/iptables project has started legal proceedngs against a number of
+companies in violation of the GPL since December 2003. Those legal proceedings
+were quite successful so far, resulting in twelve amicable agreements and one
+granted preliminary injunction. The list of companies includes large
+corporations such as Siemens, Asus and Belkin.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+This paper and the corresponding presentation will give an overview about the
+author's recent successful enforcement of the GNU GPL within German
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The paper will go on describing what exactly is neccessarry to fully comply
+with the GPL, including the author's legal position on corner cases such as
+cryptographic signing.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+In the end, it seems like the idea of the founding fathers of the GNU GPL
+works: Guaranteeing Copyleft by using Copyright.
+ </para>
+ </abstract>
+<title>Legal Disclaimer</title>
+The author of this paper is a software developer, not a lawyer. The content of
+this paper represents his knowledge after dealing with the legal issues of
+about 20 gpl violation cases.
+All information in this paper is presented on a nas-is basis. There is no
+warranty for correctness.
+The paper does not comprise legal advise, and any details might be coupled to German copyright law (UrhG)
+<title>Free Software and its role in the software industry</title>
+Though Free Software (sometimes referred to as Open Source Software) according
+to our definition exists since the early 1980's, it didn't became popular until
+the advent of the internet.
+The concept of cooperative development between otherwise unrelated parties was an ideal match with the new possibilities of worldwide communication.
+Free Software finds its way into almost any market within the industry. While
+FOSS deployment traditionally being strong in the server market, it recently
+gains in the desktop workstation market, too (e.g. Open Office, Mozilla).
+However, the largest number of FOSS deployments is in the embedded computing
+market. You can easily find Linux and other FOSS embeddeed into devices such
+as DSL routers, WLAN access points, network attached storage, digital TV
+receivers, home multimedia centres and recently even wireless phones.
+<title>What is copyrightable</title>
+Since the GNU GPL is a copyright license, it can only cover copyrightable
+works. The exact definition of what is copyrightable and what not might vary
+from legislation to legislation.
+Software is considered the immaterial result of a creative act, and is treated
+very much like literary works. It might therefore be applicable to look at the
+analogy of a printed book.
+In order for a work to be copyrightable, it has to be non-trivial (German:
+Sch&ouml;pfungsh&ouml;he). Much like a lector of a book, anybody who just
+corrects spelling mistakes, compiler warnings, or even functional fixes such as
+fixing a signedness bug or a typecast are unlikely to be seen as a
+copyrightable contribution to an existing work.
+An indication for copyrightability can be the question: Did the author have a
+choice (i.e. between different algorithms)? As soon as there are multiple ways
+of getting a particular job done, and the author has to make decisions on which
+way to go, this is an indication for copyrightability.
+<title>The GNU GPL revisited</title>
+As a copyright license, the GNU GPL mainly regulates distribution of a
+copyrighted work, not usage. To the opposite, the GNU GPL does not allow an
+author to make any additional restrictions like <quote>must not be used for
+military purpose</quote>.
+As a summary, the license allows distribution of the source code (including
+modifications, if any) if
+<listitem><para>The GPL license itself is mentioned</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>A copy of the full license text accompanies every copy</para></listitem>
+The GPL allows distribution of the object code (including modifications) if
+<listitem><para>The GPL license itself is mentioned</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>A copy of the full license text accompanies every copy</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>The <quote>complete corresponding source code</quote> or a written offer to ship it to any third party is included with every copy</para></listitem>
+<title>Complete Source Code</title>
+The GPL contains a very specific definition of what the term <quote>full source
+code</quote> actually means in practise:
+... complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains,
+plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.
+The interpretation of the paper's author of this (for C programs) is:
+<listitem><para>source code</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Header Files</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Tools for installation of a modified binary, even if they are not technically implemented as scripts</para></listitem>
+The general rule in case of any question is the intent of the license: To
+enable the user to modify the source code and run modified versions.
+This brings us to the conclusion that in case of a bundle of hardware and
+software, the hardware can not be implemented in a way to only accept
+cryptographically signed software, without providing either the original key,
+or the option of setting a new key in the hardware.
+<title>Derivative Work</title>
+The question of derivative works is probably the hardest question with regard
+to the GPL. According to the license text, any derivative work can only be
+distributed under the GPL, too. However, the definition of a derivative work
+is left to the legal framework of copyright.
+The paper's author is convinced that any court decision would not look at the
+particular technology used to integrate multiple software parts. It is much
+more a question of how much dependency there is between the two pieces.
+If a program is written against a specific non-standard API, this can be
+considered as an indication for a derivative work. If a program is written
+against standard APIs, and the GPL licensed parts that provide those APIs can
+be easily exchanged with other [existing] implementations, then it can be considered as indication for no derivative work.
+Unfortunately there is no precedent on this issue, so it's up to the first
+court decisions on the issue of derivative works to determine.
+<title>Collective Works</title>
+<quote>... it is not the intent ... to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to excercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works ...</quote>
+<quote>... mere aggregation of another work ... with the program on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this license</quote>
+So the GPL allows <quote>mere aggregation</quote>, which is what e.g. the
+GNU/Linux distributors like RedHat or SuSE do, when they ship GPL-licensed
+programs together with a proprietary Macromedia Flash player on one CD- or
+Further research is required to determine what exactly would be a collective
+work, and how far this is backed by copyright law.
+<title>Non-Public Modifications</title>
+Since the GPL regulates distribution and not use, any modifications that are
+not distributed in any form do not require offering the source code.
+Special emphasis has to be given on when distribution happens within the legal
+Undoubtedly, as soon as you distribute modifications to a third party, such as
+a contractor or another company, you are bound by the GPL to either include the
+full source code, or a written offer. Please note that if you don't include
+the source code at any given time, the written offer must be available to any third party!
+Interestingly, at least in German copyright law, distribution can also happen
+within an organization. Apparently, as soon as a copy is distributed to a
+group larger than a small number of close colleagues whom you know personally,
+distribution happens - and thus the obligations of the GPL apply.
+<title>GPL Violations</title>
+The GPL is violated as soon as one or more of the obligations are not fulfilled.</para>
+For this case, the GPL automatically revokes any right, even the usage right on
+the original unmodified code. So not only the distribution is infringing, also the mere use is no longer permitted.
+This very strong provision is quite common in copyright licenses, especially in
+the world of proprietary software - so businesses involved in the software businesses are already used to that concept.
+<title>Past GPL Enforcement</title>
+In fact, GPL enforcement is not something completely new. The Free Software
+Foundation (FSF) has been handling a number of GPL enforcement cases throughout
+it's history since 1984.
+However, their approach is quiet negotiations with the respective parties.
+While this being productive in the respective cases, it obviously cannot serve
+as example to raise public awareness about GPL compliance.
+Also, anyone who uses GPL licensed software doesn't really have an economic
+incentive to behave license compliant, if he cannot loose something. While the
+Free Software movement being very ideological, we cannot neglect the fact that
+businesses are only driven by economy.
+Thus, it is the idea of the author to raise the economic price of license
+infringement by
+<listitem><para>making infringement public (and thus imposing a negative marketing effect)</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>raising legal charges which force them to comply or otherwise loose the chance to use GPL covered code</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>claiming damages as a direct economic price</para></listitem>
+<title>The Linksys Case</title>
+In 2003, the Linksys Case was drawing a lot of attention from the FOSS
+community. Linksys Corporation (a subsidiary of Cisco, the worldwide leader in
+network equipment such as enterprise switches and routers) was selling 802.11
+(aka WiFi, WLAN) Access Points and Routers containing GPL licensed software.
+The devices were sold virtually worldwide, and Linksys is one of the largest
+players in the 802.11 consumer market. Software embedded into the device
+contains the Linux OS Kernel, uClibc, busybox, netfilter/iptables.
+An alliance of copyright holders (including the author of this paper) was lead by the Free Software Foundation to bring Linksys into compliance with the GPL license terms.
+While in the end successfully bringing Linksys into compliance, it took that
+alliance about four months to achieve the full sourcecode release by Linksys.
+The strategy of Linksys was to overly delay the negotiations, making one
+incoomplete source code release after the other.
+Especially considering that the product lifecycle in the 802.11 being usually
+somewhere between three and six months, this kind of delay was not acceptable
+to a number of involved copyright holders.
+Looking back from now, it is important to note that the Linksys GPL case has
+actually helped Linksys a lot with regard to the popularity of their products.
+A lot of users buy their product exactly because they know they receive the
+sourcecode and the right to modify it. There's now a vivid community around
+their products, offering community-based alternative software (aka firmware)
+for them. Also, a number of small and medium-sized businesses have alternative
+commercial free software offers. Due to that success, almost any new Linksys
+product was based on Free Software, too!
+<title>Enforcement Case Timeline</title>
+The author of this paper started the <quote></quote> project
+in order to help with new cases coming up after the Linksys case.
+The usual timeline of an enforcemnt case looks like this:
+<listitem><para>Customer/User of the product sends information about the product to copyright holders</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Copyright holders confirm violation by re-engineering the product and making a test purchase</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Copyright holder sends a warning notice to the product vendor</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Copyright holder waits for some two weeks if vendor is willing to sing a declaration to cease and decist</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>If no declaration to cease and decist was signed
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>Contract technical expert recognized to court to do a study</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Apply for a preliminary injunction at court</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+<listitem><para>If declaration to cease and decist was signed
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>Try to find amicable agreement about damages and information claims</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Probably grant a grace period for products already produced and in stock</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+<title>Success so far</title>
+Since the launch of, it has been a huge success for the FOSS
+community. Up to now, there have been about 25 cases where the GPL has been
+enforced out-of-court. In addition, there two preliminary injunctions have
+been granted. An appeals case against one injunction was turned down by the
+court. Thus, precedent has been set forth for likely further cases to follow.
+Especially the first preliminary injunction received big interest throughout
+the computing industry and the legal community. It received significant media
+coverage and thus resulted in exactly what the copyright holders wanted to
+achive: Raising public awareness about the GPL license conditions.
+<title>Further Reading</title>
+<listitem><para>The Free Software Foundation: <ulink url=""/></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>The project: <ulink url=""/></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>The GNU project project: <ulink url=""/></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>The law firm JBB (has court orders as PDF on their site): <ulink url=""/></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>The section in the weblog of the author: <ulink url=""/></para></listitem>
personal git repositories of Harald Welte. Your mileage may vary