path: root/2014/simtrace-openfest2014/part-sim.tex
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authorHarald Welte <>2015-10-25 21:00:20 +0100
committerHarald Welte <>2015-10-25 21:00:20 +0100
commitfca59bea770346cf1c1f9b0e00cb48a61b44a8f3 (patch)
treea2011270df48d3501892ac1a56015c8be57e8a7d /2014/simtrace-openfest2014/part-sim.tex
import of old now defunct presentation slides svn repo
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1 files changed, 410 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\section{SIM Cards}
+\subsection{Smart Card Basics}
+ \item[SIM] Subscriber Identity Module
+ \item[USIM] Universal Subscriber Identity Mdoule
+ \item[UICC] Universal Integrated Chip Card
+ \item[MS] GSM Mobile Station (phone, modem)
+ \item[UE] UMTS User Equipment
+ \item[ME] GSM Mobile Equipment (MS + SIM)
+ \item[OTA] Over The Air
+ \item[SAT] SIM Application Toolkit
+ \item[CAT] Card (UICC) Application Toolkit
+ \item[USAT] USIM Application Toolkit
+ \item[TAR] Toolkit Application Reference
+\begin{frame}{Relevant Specification Bodies}
+ \item ISO (ISO 7816) smart cards
+ \item ETSI (Eurpoean Telecomms Standardisation Institute)
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Classic GSM SIM
+ \item UICC card as basis for various telecom ID purposes
+ \item Card Application Toolkit (CAT)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project)
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item USIM Application
+ \item USIM Application Toolkit (USAT)
+ \item API based applet interworking
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Global Platform
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Overall spec for SIM/USIM with Java
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Sun Microsystems (now Oracle)
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Java Card Virtual Machine
+ \item Java Card Runtime Environment
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{frame}{The Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)}
+ \item Basic idea was to store cryptographic identity of subscriber inside smart card
+ \item User can thus migrate identity from one device to another
+ \item User can furthermore use different SIM in same device (e.g. local prepaid SIM while travelling)
+ \item Original SIM card design mostly ISO 7816-4 filesystem and single command to execute A3/A8 algorithm inside card
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item This could even be done in logic, no processor required
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{frame}{The modern SIM}
+The modern SIM is an entirely different beast
+ \item Cryptographic processor smart card
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Symmetric cryptography such as DES, 3DES, AES
+ \item Public key cryptography such as RSA, ECC
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Java Card including a small Java VM and Java RE
+ \item Multiple application support
+ \item Ability to download applications (Applets) into card
+\begin{frame}{Smart Card Basics}
+ \item microprocessor with RAM, Flash and Operating System
+ \item Interface: Electrical + Logical Protocol (ISO7816-3, ISO7816-4)
+ \item File System based representation of information
+ \item Protocol describes remote operations on the file system
+ \item Few non-filesystem related commands for e.g. authentication
+\begin{frame}{Smart Card Filesystem}
+\item Hierarchical file system like on PC
+ \item[MF] (master file): root directory
+ \item[DF] (dedicated file): subdirectory
+ \item[EF] (entry file): actual file
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item transparent or record oriented
+ \item record linear fixed/variable or record cyclic
+ \end{itemize}
+\item File names don't exist on card. 16bit FID (File ID) or 8bit SFID used instead
+\begin{frame}{Smart Card Filesystem Hierarchy}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=110mm]{sim-mf-df_gsm.png}
+%\begin{frame}{Smart Card Filesystem Permissions}
+% \item similar to 'permission bits' on Linux or other PC OS
+% \item each file can define separate read/write permissions
+% \item some cards are permanently read-only
+% \item other files can be written to after regular PIN verification
+% \item yet another set of files e.g. needs one of the ADM PINs
+%\begin{frame}{Smart Card Logical Channels}
+% \item Initially Smart Cards had only one interface (UART)
+% \item This means that only one application on the host side can interact with it, as there's sharde state
+% \item logical channels introduce a concept where this connection is virtualized, and multiple separate states (including with different access privileges) can exist in parallel
+\begin{frame}{SIM Card APDU Commands}
+Classic SIM card commands include the following
+ \item SELECT (change directory / open file)
+ \item READ BINARY, UPDATE BINARY (read/write transparent EF)
+ \item READ RECORD, UPDATE RECORD (read/write record EF)
+ \item ENABLE CHV, DISABLE CHV, CHANGE CHV (enable, disable or change PIN)
+ \item VERIFY CHV, UNBLOCK CHV (verify or unblock PIN)
+ \item RUN GSM ALGORITHM (A3/A8 authentication)
+\begin{frame}{Smart Card Filesystem}
+Typical operations of the phone include
+ \item navigating inside filesystem by SELECT on DF/EF
+ \item authenticating the user PIN
+ \item reading/updating files
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item reading IMSI
+ \item old-school SMS and contact storage
+ \item storing session keys (Kc/KcGPRS, ...)
+ \item storing last cell on power-off
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{frame}{Smart Card PINs}
+The level of access to the filesystem and other card features is
+determined by authentication using a shared secret, called 'PIN'.
+ \item Regular PIN for normal use of the card by the end user
+ \item PUK for resetting the pin after too many retries
+ \item ADM1..n PIN for access by the operator only
+%\begin{frame}{Multi-Application Smart Cards}
+% \item Classic SIM cards are single application, accessing the
+% GSM related files works by entering the known DF.GSM
+% directory with its well-known FID
+% \item Later the idea of multi-application smart cards entered
+% the market
+% \item A multi-application smart card contains an EF.DIR in the
+% MF
+% \item EF.DIR contains records with the AIDs of all applications
+% on the card.
+% \item AID prefix is well-known to the application, AID suffix is
+% manufacturer specific. Applications use prefix-match
+% \item application specific directory can be entered by SELECT on
+% the AID
+%\begin{frame}{USIM Application Dedicated File (ADF.USIM)}
+% \centering
+% \includegraphics[width=110mm]{usim-dir-structure.png}
+%\subsection{From SIM to UICC and USIM}
+%\begin{frame}{Evolution of the SIM}
+% \item Classic GSM SIM cards
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item initial GSM / ETSI TS 11.11 for classic GSM SIM, based on ISO 7816-2/3/4
+% \item small changes for GPRS support by introducing a few new optional files
+% \item Class byte 0xA0 used in GSM SIM
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item USIM cards
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Completely new approach based on ETSI UICC spec, multi-application capable
+% \item Selection of ADF.USIM by AID
+% \item Many new files
+% \item backwards compatibility achieved by placing DF.GSM
+% in MF and linking (think of symlink/hardlink) of
+% relevant files
+% \item Authentication for GSM and UMTS can be completely
+% different (algorithm, secret key used, ...)
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item Additional application profiles exist for GSM-R, TETRA and
+% other ETSI related communications systems.
+%\begin{frame}{Evolution of Specifications}
+% \item Classic SIM: ETSI TS 11.11 / 3GPP TS 51.011
+% \item UICC Card: 3GPP TS 31.101, 31.900, ETSI TS 102 221, 102 222
+% \item USIM application: 3GPP TS 31.102
+% \item ISIM application for IMS (VoIP for LTE): 3GPP TS 31.103
+%\begin{frame}{ISIM Application Dedicated File (ADF.ISIM)}
+% \centering
+% \includegraphics[width=110mm]{isim-dir-struct.png}
+\subsection{SIM Application Toolkit (SAT)}
+\begin{frame}{SIM Application Toolkit (SAT)}
+ \item Ability for card to run applications that have UI on the phone
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Display menu items on-screen
+ \item Get user input from keypad/touch-screen
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Original Version Described in TS 11.14 and 11.11
+\begin{frame}{SAT -- Proactive SIM}
+The {\em Proactive SIM} features
+ \item Sending a short message
+ \item Setting up a voice call
+ \item Playback of a tone in earpiece
+ \item Providing location information from ME to SIM
+ \item Have ME execute timers on behalf of SIM
+ \item Sending DTMF to network
+ \item Running an AT command received from SIM, sending result back to SIM
+ \item Ask ME to launch browser to SIM-provided URL
+\begin{frame}{SAT -- Call and SMS Control}
+ \item ME passes MO call setup attempts to SIM for approval
+ \item SIM can then
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item approve or decline the MO call
+ \item modify the call details such as phone number
+ \item replace the call with USSD message
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item ME passes USSD requests similar to Call Control
+ \item Similar mechanism exists for all MO SMS
+\begin{frame}{SAT -- Provide local information}
+The SIM can inquire the ME about
+ \item MCC / MNC / LAC / Cell ID
+ \item IMEI of ME
+ \item Network Measurement Results
+ \item BCCH channel list
+ \item Date, Time, Timezone
+ \item ME language setting
+ \item Timing Advance
+\begin{frame}{SAT -- Event download}
+The SIM is notified by ME about certain events such as
+ \item Call Connected / Disconnected
+ \item Location Status (Location Area change)
+ \item User activity (keyboard input)
+ \item Idle screen available
+ \item Browser termination
+\begin{frame}{SAT - Data download}
+ \item Enables Operator to exchange arbitrary data with the SIM
+ \item Could be RFM (Remote File Management)
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Read or modify phone book entries
+ \item Even change the IMSI of the SIM (!)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item In case of Java Card, can be download of card applets
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Applets are stored permanently on SIM
+ \item Can later use SAT procedures to interact with ME
+ \item TS 03.19 specifies Java API to access SAT from Java RE
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{frame}{SAT - Data download}
+SAT Data Download can happen via
+ \item via SMS or Cell Broadcast
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Uses TS 03.40 TP-PID {\em SIM DATA Download}
+ \item ME forwards such SMS to the SIM in {\tt ENVELOPE} APDU
+ \item Response from SIM is sent back as MO-SMS or DELIVERY REPORT
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item via BIP (Bearer Independent Protocol)
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Dedicated CSD call between network and SIM
+ \item GPRS session between network and SIM
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{frame}{SAT - Data download}{Data download security}
+ \item GSM TS 03.48 specifies secure messaging for data download
+ \item Includes replay protection
+ \item Supports DES and 3DES
+ \item SMS chaining for long commands / large data
+\subsection{SIM threat model}
+\begin{frame}{SIM card abuse by hostile operator}
+ \item Even if the phone might be considered trusted, the SIM card is owned and controlled by the operator
+ \item Using SAT features, the operator can control many aspects of the phone
+ \item Examples
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Remotely reading address book / stored SMS
+ \item Monitor user behavior (browser termination, idle screen, ...)
+ \item Ask phone to establish packet data session
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{frame}{SIM card re-programming by attacker}
+ \item If the SIM is not properly secured (auth + encryption keys, ...) a third party attacker can send SAT envelope SMS to the card and install resident Java applets
+ \item The attacker can then
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Obtain detailed location information and send it via SMS
+ \item Intercept/log outgoing calls
+ \item Sending copies of incoming + outgoing SMS elsewhere
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Even using SIM card channel to exploit baseband stack is feasible
+\begin{frame}{SIM card proxy / MITM by attacker}
+As soon as an attacker has temporary physical access to a phone, he can
+ \item Insert a proxy-SIM between real SIM and phone
+ \item Do everything a Java applet could do, but even with a securely configured SIM as he does not modify the existing SIM
+ \item Sniff current Kc and send it out e.g. via SMS or even UDP/TCP packets over GPRS
+ \item ... by only using standard interfaces that are common among all phones (as opposed to baseband software hacking which is very model-specific)
+Most users would never notice this as they rarely check their SIM slot
+\subsection{SIM attacks countermeasures}
+\begin{frame}{Defending against SIM based attacks}
+ \item SIM cards are Operator issued, Ki is on the SIM
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item SIM card can thus not be replaced, but original SIM must be used
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Configure telephone to not store contacts or SMS on SIM
+ \item Communication between SIM and ME is not encrypted/authenticated
+ \item Solution: Proxy SIM between SIM and ME to break STK / OTA
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Filter all STK/OTA/Proactive commands like ENVELOPE
+ \item Indicate lack of STK support to ME (EF.Phase)
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{frame}{Proxy SIM with firewall}
+ \item There are no known commercial products that implement STK/OTA filtering
+ \item But there are a number of shim SIM cards that are plugged between SIM and SIM slot
+ \item Most of them are used for SIM unlocking modern phones
+ \item Some vendors produce freely (re)programmable proxy SIMs:
+ \caption{Bladox TurboSIM (AVR) and RebelSIM II (8051)}
+ %\caption{Bladox Turbo SIM (AVR)}}
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